My name is Flissy. I am a '20 something' arty farty, music making, new mummy.

I'm proud to say I have welcomed my 2nd beautiful baby boy into the world in March of this year, and it has so far been a whirlwind of emotions: sleep deprivation, slobber and snuggles. Everyday brings new challenges, and another reason to smile. Everyday my boys are changing and everyday I want to keep them exactly how they are, until the next day of course...

From feeling there were too many hours in the day previously, my days now go nowhere, and I wish to have another day the same to follow; just to relive the special moments. There is not enough film or photo's in the world for me to capture everything I would like, but I will sure try to get the best bits.

Some things are second nature, others not so much, but I already can't imagine how life would be, if I were still just me. I am now wholly responsible for these wondrous little humans, with tiny little toes, and who's feet I can't help but kiss and stroke (The sweaty toddler feet less so these days...). I swear there is no lovelier thing to feel, than that of feet that have never properly yet met the ground!

I had intended for my blog (if I ever managed to keep up with one) to be one that talked of interior design, storage ideas, fashion, beauty, cooking and craft... and i'm sure it will be; but right now I'm sharing my brand new experiences; the good, bad and everything in between.

This is my life, it's only just begun, and for the first time in forever.(potentially quoting FROZEN here).. I'm not apprehensive but excited for where its about to take me.

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